Heaven Is For Real DVD-Based Conversation Kit by Todd Burpo is the dvd version of the book. The basis for both the book and DVD kit is a boy's near death experience and his version of heaven from the the NDE. This is not bible-based. Also, readers should know there are about 11 other near death experience books of men, women, boys, girls, etc all having heaven or hell near death experiences or dreams and all these different books conflict in their experiences with one another.
So, while I did not like the book itself because it taught an experiential view of heaven that we do not find in the Bible, the DVD and Converstaion Kit are a little bit better, but not much better. At least, they ask a few questions to get the reader thinking outside of just "a boy's near death experience" and into some more relevant questions. Still, the questions presented are not at all deep and many are just silly and shallow, so I would not recommend this combo pack either.
Disclaimer: I received this book free of charge from the publisher but I am giving my honest review.
PASS: Healing Is A Choice by Steve Arterburn
Healing Is A Choice by Steve Arterburn is about your responsibility and your part in the healing process. There is so much is wrong with this author and his book that it overshadows any seemingly "good points". And even these "good points" are tainted with false teachings that are not biblically based.
In Chapter 1, Arterburn falsely teaches ""All I need to heal is just God and me" is a lie." Arterburn tells us that we need other people to heal. God won't do it alone. You will have to go to other people for support and help and then God will work through them to heal you. I know this is false because God has helped me forgive people in my life without ever getting an apology and God helped take away my anger towards people many times. I prayed to God and God changed me. I didn't need to vent to humans and go to a counselor. In Chapter 2, Arterburn contradicts Paul when he claims "It is a lie to say "Christians should have joy in all circumstances" (2 Cor 7:-6, 8:2-3). There are some truthful things (nothing you haven't heard before) in this book, but they are mixed among many false claims with no scripture to back it up. So, if you choose to read this book, discern carefully! There is only a little baby and a whole lotta bathwater in this book!
I agree with other reviewers in that I also found the way the author writes about his previous failed marriage is shocking and disturbing. He comes across arrogant and self-righteous. He is all "me" "me" "me" "Sandy's ruining MY life" and "MY career". He never once mentions any warmth or love towards his wife. He never says he will miss her but instead justifies his actions. See below as the author describes his feelings and thoughts after his former wife, Sandy, phones him to tell him she is filing for divorce:
= "Anger, dread, fear and disgust swept through me"
= "I was certain I had written my last book and that everything else I loved doing was over"
= "Not all our marriage was miserable. There were some very good times, great adventures, and a few sweet moments, such as our adoption of Madeline [daughter]. [Notice that Madeline is described only as a "sweet moment" and not a "very good time"]
= "Numerous marriage counselors did little or nothing for us..."
= "I did what I knew to keep the marriage going. I was far from perfect, made many mistakes, BUT [emphasis added] was willing to do anything I could to have a marriage we both could enjoy..."
= "The last marriage counselor had [showed] some hope. [BECAUSE] she thought Sandy had finally made peace with our marriage." [Notice it was Sandy's problem and not Steve Arterburn's?]"
= "I was about to become a divorced writer who wrote about relationships; a divorced radio talk show host whose show dealth with marriage, relationships, [etc]...I was about to become a divorced speaker and preacher who attempted to inspire people... I was about to have a public divorce, and I knew the humiliation and embarrassment would be intense." [Is his own humiliation and career the only thing he cares about? From his own written words, it would seem so.]
= "This book is about so much more than just my divorce. It is about your divorce or your loss or your abuse or your abandonment [Arterburn really means his own "abuse"]. It is about the disgust you [meaning Artherburn] have felt at whatever cruelty has been trust upon you [meaning Arterburn, who is innocent since it was "TRUST" upon him. He is the victim.]. It is about the isolation you have felt from abandonment by people [I suppose Arterburn feels abandoned since Sandy left] who looked nice to the outside world but who were monsters [It seems he is referring to Sandy] to you at home.
Readers might also wish to know that Arterburn admires and believes Word of Faith cult preachers John & Lisa Bevere who claim humans "Are Christ" and have the "exact same unlimited power as God Himself" and we should be able to walk through walls, walk on water, stop natural disasters like hurricanes and tornadoes and pretty much anything else we want to do. We ARE God, according to the Beveres.
I also learned that Arterburn told and wrote about how he got his girlfriend in college pregnant and paid to have her abort the baby. He called himself "an adulterer and murderer" but then sued some Christian guy for telling a business acquaintance this information when the acquaintance asked directly about Arterburn.
Disclaimer: I received this book free of charge from the publisher but I am giving my honest review.
In Chapter 1, Arterburn falsely teaches ""All I need to heal is just God and me" is a lie." Arterburn tells us that we need other people to heal. God won't do it alone. You will have to go to other people for support and help and then God will work through them to heal you. I know this is false because God has helped me forgive people in my life without ever getting an apology and God helped take away my anger towards people many times. I prayed to God and God changed me. I didn't need to vent to humans and go to a counselor. In Chapter 2, Arterburn contradicts Paul when he claims "It is a lie to say "Christians should have joy in all circumstances" (2 Cor 7:-6, 8:2-3). There are some truthful things (nothing you haven't heard before) in this book, but they are mixed among many false claims with no scripture to back it up. So, if you choose to read this book, discern carefully! There is only a little baby and a whole lotta bathwater in this book!
I agree with other reviewers in that I also found the way the author writes about his previous failed marriage is shocking and disturbing. He comes across arrogant and self-righteous. He is all "me" "me" "me" "Sandy's ruining MY life" and "MY career". He never once mentions any warmth or love towards his wife. He never says he will miss her but instead justifies his actions. See below as the author describes his feelings and thoughts after his former wife, Sandy, phones him to tell him she is filing for divorce:
= "Anger, dread, fear and disgust swept through me"
= "I was certain I had written my last book and that everything else I loved doing was over"
= "Not all our marriage was miserable. There were some very good times, great adventures, and a few sweet moments, such as our adoption of Madeline [daughter]. [Notice that Madeline is described only as a "sweet moment" and not a "very good time"]
= "Numerous marriage counselors did little or nothing for us..."
= "I did what I knew to keep the marriage going. I was far from perfect, made many mistakes, BUT [emphasis added] was willing to do anything I could to have a marriage we both could enjoy..."
= "The last marriage counselor had [showed] some hope. [BECAUSE] she thought Sandy had finally made peace with our marriage." [Notice it was Sandy's problem and not Steve Arterburn's?]"
= "I was about to become a divorced writer who wrote about relationships; a divorced radio talk show host whose show dealth with marriage, relationships, [etc]...I was about to become a divorced speaker and preacher who attempted to inspire people... I was about to have a public divorce, and I knew the humiliation and embarrassment would be intense." [Is his own humiliation and career the only thing he cares about? From his own written words, it would seem so.]
= "This book is about so much more than just my divorce. It is about your divorce or your loss or your abuse or your abandonment [Arterburn really means his own "abuse"]. It is about the disgust you [meaning Artherburn] have felt at whatever cruelty has been trust upon you [meaning Arterburn, who is innocent since it was "TRUST" upon him. He is the victim.]. It is about the isolation you have felt from abandonment by people [I suppose Arterburn feels abandoned since Sandy left] who looked nice to the outside world but who were monsters [It seems he is referring to Sandy] to you at home.
Readers might also wish to know that Arterburn admires and believes Word of Faith cult preachers John & Lisa Bevere who claim humans "Are Christ" and have the "exact same unlimited power as God Himself" and we should be able to walk through walls, walk on water, stop natural disasters like hurricanes and tornadoes and pretty much anything else we want to do. We ARE God, according to the Beveres.
I also learned that Arterburn told and wrote about how he got his girlfriend in college pregnant and paid to have her abort the baby. He called himself "an adulterer and murderer" but then sued some Christian guy for telling a business acquaintance this information when the acquaintance asked directly about Arterburn.
Disclaimer: I received this book free of charge from the publisher but I am giving my honest review.
BUY IT: Stuck by Jennie Allen
OUTSTANDING!!! BUY THIS BOOK! I wasn't expecting a lot from this DVD. The title didn't do much for me either - Stuck. Pretty looking large box with two small booklets and one DVD. I wasn't all that sure what the book was about either. I saw people on Amazon gave it 5 stars, but anything Christian always gets 4-5 stars, so I didn't believe it. I would have guessed, I would give it 2 stars. 3 stars at the very most. But this book is 5 stars - OUTSTANDING!
This is about living for the glory of God and not wasting your life on endless to-do-lists and chores. Don't wait until your life is almost over to realize how many years you have wasted. It is SOOO biblically based. Also, I think nearly every denomination or non-denominational Christian will agree with this book. It isn't slanted. It is also, completely non-offensive. Men and women BOTH must listen to it! I never say good things about books - but this one I do!
The DVD is SOOOOO GOOD. It is Biblically right on! I was certain I was going to catch Jennie Allen teaching something out of line with the Bible and at times I was certain she was off base, but she ALWAYS pulled the story around in the end and made serious life-changing points. I am still in SHOCK. How could I have liked this THAT much? My sister and I watched it together. We are speechless. We never expected this - especially from a woman. WOW... IF THERE IS ONE BOOK YOU READ/DVD YOU WATCH - WATCH THIS!!!!!!!!!!!
Disclaimer: I received this book free of charge from the publisher but I am giving my honest review.
This is about living for the glory of God and not wasting your life on endless to-do-lists and chores. Don't wait until your life is almost over to realize how many years you have wasted. It is SOOO biblically based. Also, I think nearly every denomination or non-denominational Christian will agree with this book. It isn't slanted. It is also, completely non-offensive. Men and women BOTH must listen to it! I never say good things about books - but this one I do!
The DVD is SOOOOO GOOD. It is Biblically right on! I was certain I was going to catch Jennie Allen teaching something out of line with the Bible and at times I was certain she was off base, but she ALWAYS pulled the story around in the end and made serious life-changing points. I am still in SHOCK. How could I have liked this THAT much? My sister and I watched it together. We are speechless. We never expected this - especially from a woman. WOW... IF THERE IS ONE BOOK YOU READ/DVD YOU WATCH - WATCH THIS!!!!!!!!!!!
Disclaimer: I received this book free of charge from the publisher but I am giving my honest review.
OKAY: The Love & Respect Experience by Dr Emerson Eggerichs
"The Love & Respect Experience: A Husband-Friendly Devotional That Wives Truly Love is a large sized, leather-like covered, devotional designed for men and women. The book covers 52 subjects (not a 365 day devotional) all based on making married life work, appreciating what you have, and treating one another with love and respect. Each chapter starts off with a short snippet from a Bible verse and ends with a Prayer and a Call to Action.
I'm not usually a fan of devotionals, but I thought this one was okay. I love the feel of the book cover - the fake leather cover is so smooth and nice. It feels like suade-leather and is very pretty to look at and the paperback/leatherback is soft to hold.
This devotional is a bit different from most. It is not only geared for women, but also husbands can benefit from it too. It's not as fluffy as most devotionals, so the men won't be turned off by pink and purple flowery designs and fluffy commentaries. All the subjects have to do with making a marriage work, so they all apply and are relevant for both men and women. But like most devotionals, this book is also full of light reading and is not deep.
The part that will probably bother Christians the most is that this book comes across as more of a psychology/family therapy devotional than a Christian/Biblically-based devotional. It's all helpful stuff and good for married couples to remind them to behave lovingly towards one another, but it may be more fluffy stuff that sounds all good in the head but harder to apply in real life. If you are into Psychology, you will probably like this book. If you are into theology and books being biblically based, you will want to pass.
I like a lot of the ideas in this book: Marriage is about getting back up/Men and women think and desire different things, but that doesn't make the others' view incorrect. They are just different/Assume your spouse has good intentions towards you NO MATTER WHAT/Once married, always married. It's up to you to iron out the kinks, because you are in this for the long run/Mistakes can't be undone, but they should be forgiven/Choose your words wisely because they can be like punches and you might just be punched back/Suppressing negative feelings isn't the solution. Talk to one another about your feelings with love and consideration/Be fair about sex and don't play games, but meet each others' needs/Don't let your problems distract you from God, but keep your focus on the Lord and He will help you with your problems/When your spouse yells cutting words, don't believe them all. They could just be venting and often don't really mean what they say in angery/Practice quick forgiveness no matter what the crime/God designed your spouse just for you, so enjoy what you have been given and be patient when times are tough/Love God, trust Him, and everything will work out.
Disclaimer: I received this book free of charge from the publisher but I am giving my honest review.
I'm not usually a fan of devotionals, but I thought this one was okay. I love the feel of the book cover - the fake leather cover is so smooth and nice. It feels like suade-leather and is very pretty to look at and the paperback/leatherback is soft to hold.
This devotional is a bit different from most. It is not only geared for women, but also husbands can benefit from it too. It's not as fluffy as most devotionals, so the men won't be turned off by pink and purple flowery designs and fluffy commentaries. All the subjects have to do with making a marriage work, so they all apply and are relevant for both men and women. But like most devotionals, this book is also full of light reading and is not deep.
The part that will probably bother Christians the most is that this book comes across as more of a psychology/family therapy devotional than a Christian/Biblically-based devotional. It's all helpful stuff and good for married couples to remind them to behave lovingly towards one another, but it may be more fluffy stuff that sounds all good in the head but harder to apply in real life. If you are into Psychology, you will probably like this book. If you are into theology and books being biblically based, you will want to pass.
I like a lot of the ideas in this book: Marriage is about getting back up/Men and women think and desire different things, but that doesn't make the others' view incorrect. They are just different/Assume your spouse has good intentions towards you NO MATTER WHAT/Once married, always married. It's up to you to iron out the kinks, because you are in this for the long run/Mistakes can't be undone, but they should be forgiven/Choose your words wisely because they can be like punches and you might just be punched back/Suppressing negative feelings isn't the solution. Talk to one another about your feelings with love and consideration/Be fair about sex and don't play games, but meet each others' needs/Don't let your problems distract you from God, but keep your focus on the Lord and He will help you with your problems/When your spouse yells cutting words, don't believe them all. They could just be venting and often don't really mean what they say in angery/Practice quick forgiveness no matter what the crime/God designed your spouse just for you, so enjoy what you have been given and be patient when times are tough/Love God, trust Him, and everything will work out.
Disclaimer: I received this book free of charge from the publisher but I am giving my honest review.
PASS: The Book of Man By William Bennett
This book is about the character of men and how our kids/sons/boys need men with strong characters as role models. Bennett believes these boys need to model themselves after real life "heroes". The hope of this book is that people can use this book to turn boys into men of strong character - a worthy goal.
The subject of the book sounds interesting, especially considering Bennett is the author of a famous book called the "Book of Virtues". The biggest problem I have with this book is that Bennett chooses real life public figures, like Presidents of the United States, politicians, military personnel, athletes and many other famous men. When picking ideal "heroes or idols" for my son, these are the guys who would be at the BOTTOM of my "hero" list. These are the most money hungry, dishonest, sleezebags in society. Sure some of them show SOME bits of character from time to time - but then so does everyone, even criminals in jail! Why should we ever encourage our kids to idolize these public figures? Their OVERALL character (in general) are terrible! And some/most are not even Christian! I don't get this book at all. Very disappointing.
Disclaimer: I received this book free of charge from the publisher but I am giving my honest review.
The subject of the book sounds interesting, especially considering Bennett is the author of a famous book called the "Book of Virtues". The biggest problem I have with this book is that Bennett chooses real life public figures, like Presidents of the United States, politicians, military personnel, athletes and many other famous men. When picking ideal "heroes or idols" for my son, these are the guys who would be at the BOTTOM of my "hero" list. These are the most money hungry, dishonest, sleezebags in society. Sure some of them show SOME bits of character from time to time - but then so does everyone, even criminals in jail! Why should we ever encourage our kids to idolize these public figures? Their OVERALL character (in general) are terrible! And some/most are not even Christian! I don't get this book at all. Very disappointing.
Disclaimer: I received this book free of charge from the publisher but I am giving my honest review.
PASS: The God of Grace by Andy Stanley
This is a book that re-tells Old Testament bible stories and then interprets God's grace into the way God interacted with the humans in the stories. Each chapter takes a different bible story or multiple stories and then says "God dealt gracefully with humans" because they didn't deserve such merciful treatment.
This book is a fast light read because we've heard the story of Adam and Eve, Abraham, Jospeh etc many times and 2/3rds of this book is the re-telling/paraphrasing these stories.
Although the book paints a nice picture of a graceful God, I didn't find this book very deep. Example: Stanley takes the creation story and explains that God didn't have to make the world so beautiful - that was grace.. God didn't have to give Eve to Adam - that was grace. God could have destroyed Adam and Eve for the fall, but instead He allowed them to live outside of the garden - by grace.
By the end of the book, I felt it was nice to see that ALL good things are undeserved, unearned and all come from the grace of God. I just wish this book could have had more depth and not been 2/3rds re-telling stories we already know by heart. I feel there are much better and deeper books that would bring us to reflect on the grace of God. This book was just kind of "blah" or "okay". You could easily go without having read it, it wouldn't go in my library and I would never recommend it to others. I'd say "read it if you want but it's only so-so".
Readers may be interested in knowing Andy Stanley is writing from an Arminianist Christian perspective.
Disclaimer: I received this book free of charge from the publisher but I am giving my honest review.
This book is a fast light read because we've heard the story of Adam and Eve, Abraham, Jospeh etc many times and 2/3rds of this book is the re-telling/paraphrasing these stories.
Although the book paints a nice picture of a graceful God, I didn't find this book very deep. Example: Stanley takes the creation story and explains that God didn't have to make the world so beautiful - that was grace.. God didn't have to give Eve to Adam - that was grace. God could have destroyed Adam and Eve for the fall, but instead He allowed them to live outside of the garden - by grace.
By the end of the book, I felt it was nice to see that ALL good things are undeserved, unearned and all come from the grace of God. I just wish this book could have had more depth and not been 2/3rds re-telling stories we already know by heart. I feel there are much better and deeper books that would bring us to reflect on the grace of God. This book was just kind of "blah" or "okay". You could easily go without having read it, it wouldn't go in my library and I would never recommend it to others. I'd say "read it if you want but it's only so-so".
Readers may be interested in knowing Andy Stanley is writing from an Arminianist Christian perspective.
Disclaimer: I received this book free of charge from the publisher but I am giving my honest review.
OKAY: Close Enough To Hear God Breathe by Greg Paul
The title of the book is poetic and catchy, but I don't feel it relates well to the book. A title like "Is God Like Human Parents?" would very accurately describe this book. This book is broken into 5 Parts (1 The Heart of the Matter, 2 Creation, 3 The Fall, 4 Redemption, 5 Consumation) with 3 chapters in each part. The book is full of parent-child stories and is not very deep, so it makes for a quick read. The idea behind this book is to look at God as if he were a human parent and to look at us humans as his children. Each chapter begins by telling a human parent-child relationship story and then ends by explaining how God views us humans in a similar way.
I'm not sure of the theological accuracy of this book, and I'm sure many will have disagreements with relating God to human parents, but it does make for an interesting read. At the end of each chapter, you stop and go: Does God really think/feel/behave like human parents in this way?
As an example:
Part 2's first story tells a story of how the author adores his son because the son is a reflection of himself, then concludes that God must adore humans because we reflect God.
The second story is of the author's cold unemotional father who provides physically for his family but is so hard-headed that his sons don't speak to him for 3-25 years!!! BUT the author concludes that his own human father loved all his kids because he provided for them physically. So the author says although God is distant, doesn't speak to us, is unemotional and much like his cold father, that God also provides for us physically, so God must love us.
Disclaimer: I received this book free of charge from the publisher but I am giving my honest review.
I'm not sure of the theological accuracy of this book, and I'm sure many will have disagreements with relating God to human parents, but it does make for an interesting read. At the end of each chapter, you stop and go: Does God really think/feel/behave like human parents in this way?
As an example:
Part 2's first story tells a story of how the author adores his son because the son is a reflection of himself, then concludes that God must adore humans because we reflect God.
The second story is of the author's cold unemotional father who provides physically for his family but is so hard-headed that his sons don't speak to him for 3-25 years!!! BUT the author concludes that his own human father loved all his kids because he provided for them physically. So the author says although God is distant, doesn't speak to us, is unemotional and much like his cold father, that God also provides for us physically, so God must love us.
Disclaimer: I received this book free of charge from the publisher but I am giving my honest review.
BUY IT: Our Last Hope: Awakening The Great Commission by Ronnie Floyd
This book is about making missionary work the most important goal of your life - become another Apostle Paul. The author focuses greatly on planting churches in enormous numbers all around the world and preaching in all parts of the world. The author's goal is to convince you of the importance of missionary work, calling it the "last great hope".
As a Christian woman, I found this book very interesting. It challenged my current lifestyle and even if it doesn't change my goal in life into becoming a missionary, it certainly has challenged my perspective on missions and made me re-evaluate the importance of missionary work. It also makes me question whether the Bible REALLY does tell us to become missionaries or if that did end with the apostles. Not only did the author hold my attention, but I found this book very thought-provoking. I would recommend this book to others - it is worth considering, even if you don't agree 100%.
If you read this book, expect to be convinced, pressured, guilted or scared into becoming a missionary. To say the author takes missions VERY seriously is even an understatement - he goes to the extreme of nearly (without outright saying it) questioning one's salvation if they aren't a missionary and he uses scriptures to back up his side of the story. Floyd is quite convincing. One way or the other, you will certainly come away with that feeling of "Oh boy, I better get off my butt and become a missionary" much like some say "I better read my bible more".
xxv: Per the author, in the book of Matthew, we are commanded to "make disciples - of all nations", but there were no organized missions anywhere until 1783, when British William Carey, a Baptist pastor, had to work by himself because he was told by other ministers that the charge was no longer binding. Since Carey, missions grew around the world.
As a sample:
xxvii, pg3: Floyd describes The Great Commission as "Tell every person in the world about Jesus Christ and make disciples of all nations." He wrote "we have no choice - this, the fulfillment of the Great Commission, is our last great hope." We are ALL to become missionaries and there is nothing more important in life than to save people from a horrible end in hell.
pg5: And just in case you are wavering, he quotes James "if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man looking at his own face in a mirror; for he looks at himself, goes away, and right away forgets what kind of man he was. (James 1:22–24)" Floyd almost presents it like "if you don't become a missionary" you are disobeying God and you may not be saved after all. If you REALLY loved God, you would become a missionary. Floyd writes on pg7 "focus utterly and completely on pleasing God"
pg 9: "How many people do we encounter every day who are dying of thirst for the living water only Christ can provide, but we’re too busy to tell them? How many people do we encounter every day who are dying of thirst for the living water only Christ can provide, but we’re too busy to tell them?"
pg10-11: "If only I could spend all my time, all my abilities, all my strength on what really matters. I look around and see our streets teeming with people who are consumed by football or politics or Hollywood or Wall Street or the dating scene or the Internet. I understand the lure of all these things. But as for me, I want to trade in my remaining years, months, days, and minutes—God alone knows their count—for the kind of seeds that will take root among people and then blossom in heaven. I now see my moments as currency, and I can spend them on trash or treasure. I don’t want to give any precious resource of this life to that which isn’t eternally significant."
pg14-15 "Look again at the question I’ve posed—Do I know Jesus intimately?—and think about how you would honestly answer it. Take your time—you’ll never answer a more important question. You see, we’re talking about the Great Commission. How can someone have a passion for obeying it if he or she hasn’t fully internalized its message? What if I asked you to tell people all over town about a new restaurant when you had never dined there? You wouldn’t be so excited about that subject, and frankly, you wouldn’t be a very effective spokesperson. But if you had been there, enjoyed the specialty of the house, and knew it was the greatest meal of your life—so fantastic you would never want to dine anywhere else, for any meal—then no one could stop you from telling your friends about that place. If you’ve truly tasted of the Bread of Life, if you’ve sipped from living waters that well up to eternal joy, there is absolutely no way you can live without telling others about it. You want everyone to have a chance to sit at that table, even people you don’t know—people across the country or across the world. That’s why the Great Commission is my passion, and why it should be yours."
pg19: "To know Christ is to love Him; to love Him is to share Him. We want everyone to experience what we have experienced. We want it because we are obedient, because it’s natural to share what is wonderful with others, and because those others face an alternative that is terrible beyond imagining."
pg20: Floyd writes that if you love Jesus, this love "will lead you inevitably to caring about the Great Commission."
pg21: "What could I give up, you will wonder, so that I could support our friends who are winning people to the Lord? Never again will you want to simply indulge in your own pleasure— you’ll know the joy of returning to God what has always been His."
Disclaimer: I received this book free of charge from the publisher but I am giving my honest review.
As a Christian woman, I found this book very interesting. It challenged my current lifestyle and even if it doesn't change my goal in life into becoming a missionary, it certainly has challenged my perspective on missions and made me re-evaluate the importance of missionary work. It also makes me question whether the Bible REALLY does tell us to become missionaries or if that did end with the apostles. Not only did the author hold my attention, but I found this book very thought-provoking. I would recommend this book to others - it is worth considering, even if you don't agree 100%.
If you read this book, expect to be convinced, pressured, guilted or scared into becoming a missionary. To say the author takes missions VERY seriously is even an understatement - he goes to the extreme of nearly (without outright saying it) questioning one's salvation if they aren't a missionary and he uses scriptures to back up his side of the story. Floyd is quite convincing. One way or the other, you will certainly come away with that feeling of "Oh boy, I better get off my butt and become a missionary" much like some say "I better read my bible more".
xxv: Per the author, in the book of Matthew, we are commanded to "make disciples - of all nations", but there were no organized missions anywhere until 1783, when British William Carey, a Baptist pastor, had to work by himself because he was told by other ministers that the charge was no longer binding. Since Carey, missions grew around the world.
As a sample:
xxvii, pg3: Floyd describes The Great Commission as "Tell every person in the world about Jesus Christ and make disciples of all nations." He wrote "we have no choice - this, the fulfillment of the Great Commission, is our last great hope." We are ALL to become missionaries and there is nothing more important in life than to save people from a horrible end in hell.
pg5: And just in case you are wavering, he quotes James "if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man looking at his own face in a mirror; for he looks at himself, goes away, and right away forgets what kind of man he was. (James 1:22–24)" Floyd almost presents it like "if you don't become a missionary" you are disobeying God and you may not be saved after all. If you REALLY loved God, you would become a missionary. Floyd writes on pg7 "focus utterly and completely on pleasing God"
pg 9: "How many people do we encounter every day who are dying of thirst for the living water only Christ can provide, but we’re too busy to tell them? How many people do we encounter every day who are dying of thirst for the living water only Christ can provide, but we’re too busy to tell them?"
pg10-11: "If only I could spend all my time, all my abilities, all my strength on what really matters. I look around and see our streets teeming with people who are consumed by football or politics or Hollywood or Wall Street or the dating scene or the Internet. I understand the lure of all these things. But as for me, I want to trade in my remaining years, months, days, and minutes—God alone knows their count—for the kind of seeds that will take root among people and then blossom in heaven. I now see my moments as currency, and I can spend them on trash or treasure. I don’t want to give any precious resource of this life to that which isn’t eternally significant."
pg14-15 "Look again at the question I’ve posed—Do I know Jesus intimately?—and think about how you would honestly answer it. Take your time—you’ll never answer a more important question. You see, we’re talking about the Great Commission. How can someone have a passion for obeying it if he or she hasn’t fully internalized its message? What if I asked you to tell people all over town about a new restaurant when you had never dined there? You wouldn’t be so excited about that subject, and frankly, you wouldn’t be a very effective spokesperson. But if you had been there, enjoyed the specialty of the house, and knew it was the greatest meal of your life—so fantastic you would never want to dine anywhere else, for any meal—then no one could stop you from telling your friends about that place. If you’ve truly tasted of the Bread of Life, if you’ve sipped from living waters that well up to eternal joy, there is absolutely no way you can live without telling others about it. You want everyone to have a chance to sit at that table, even people you don’t know—people across the country or across the world. That’s why the Great Commission is my passion, and why it should be yours."
pg19: "To know Christ is to love Him; to love Him is to share Him. We want everyone to experience what we have experienced. We want it because we are obedient, because it’s natural to share what is wonderful with others, and because those others face an alternative that is terrible beyond imagining."
pg20: Floyd writes that if you love Jesus, this love "will lead you inevitably to caring about the Great Commission."
pg21: "What could I give up, you will wonder, so that I could support our friends who are winning people to the Lord? Never again will you want to simply indulge in your own pleasure— you’ll know the joy of returning to God what has always been His."
Disclaimer: I received this book free of charge from the publisher but I am giving my honest review.
BUY IT: Why God Won't Go Away by Alister McGrath
FANTASTIC book!!! I kept looking at this book and not feeling like reading it. I didn't think it would be that interesting. Boy was I wrong! This book should be read by everyone interested in religion, spirituality and athiesm. The book is deep and so I read it slowly, absorbing all the arguments, but it is written well and a lay person can understand the arguments and follow along. This book is not difficult to read.
Why God Won't Go Away is a response to four authors and their books: Sam Harris' End of Faith, Richard Dawkins' The God Delusion, Daniel Dennett's Breaking the Spell, and Christopher Hitchens' God Is Not Great. The author, Alister McGrath, starts with brief summaries of the main points of each of the four anti-religion books. He uses the term "New Athiest" to describe the four authors of these books, as opposed to normal athiest, because these 4 authors and their 85,000+ followers are not just people who believe God doesn't exist (like normal athiests), but are a group of angry and hostile people who want to to KILL all the religions and in some cases kill the religious too.
McGrath does a FANTASTIC job pointing out why these New Athiests' arguments don't hold up under scrutany and are not at all even the strongest athiest arguments. Normal athiests have a stronger case than these New Athiests. In fact, McGrath points how how normal athiests are embarrassed by these New Athiests because of their irrational hostility, their runaway egos, and their unwillingness to reasonably discuss or debate the issues. A normal athiest should be able to calmly and reasonably debate with any other religious believer. But New Athiests attack with emotional fuel, rather than with logical reason.
As McGrath outlines, it seems most of the New Athiests' success has come from the anger and hatred of the religious. New Athiests tend to be very angry people who are targeting the religious and don't recognize their hypocrasy. When Richard Dawkins' website forumn of 85,000 members was shutdown, many of his followers turned on Dawkins himself. Then Dawkins turned on his apprentice. McGrawth demonstrates how the New Athiests have created a type of sect very similar to the religions they hate. The same arguments and reasons they give for hating religions are easily applied to this new group they have created. The arguments against the New Athiests are very strong. The author does a FANTASTIC job of discrediting New Athiesm, while allowing reasonable, rational, logical athiesm to stand in a nonviolent manner. When religion becomes violent or New Athiest becomes violent, both should be squashed. Let peaceful religion and peaceful athiesm co-exist together.
Disclaimer: I received this book free of charge from the publisher but I am giving my honest review
Why God Won't Go Away is a response to four authors and their books: Sam Harris' End of Faith, Richard Dawkins' The God Delusion, Daniel Dennett's Breaking the Spell, and Christopher Hitchens' God Is Not Great. The author, Alister McGrath, starts with brief summaries of the main points of each of the four anti-religion books. He uses the term "New Athiest" to describe the four authors of these books, as opposed to normal athiest, because these 4 authors and their 85,000+ followers are not just people who believe God doesn't exist (like normal athiests), but are a group of angry and hostile people who want to to KILL all the religions and in some cases kill the religious too.
McGrath does a FANTASTIC job pointing out why these New Athiests' arguments don't hold up under scrutany and are not at all even the strongest athiest arguments. Normal athiests have a stronger case than these New Athiests. In fact, McGrath points how how normal athiests are embarrassed by these New Athiests because of their irrational hostility, their runaway egos, and their unwillingness to reasonably discuss or debate the issues. A normal athiest should be able to calmly and reasonably debate with any other religious believer. But New Athiests attack with emotional fuel, rather than with logical reason.
As McGrath outlines, it seems most of the New Athiests' success has come from the anger and hatred of the religious. New Athiests tend to be very angry people who are targeting the religious and don't recognize their hypocrasy. When Richard Dawkins' website forumn of 85,000 members was shutdown, many of his followers turned on Dawkins himself. Then Dawkins turned on his apprentice. McGrawth demonstrates how the New Athiests have created a type of sect very similar to the religions they hate. The same arguments and reasons they give for hating religions are easily applied to this new group they have created. The arguments against the New Athiests are very strong. The author does a FANTASTIC job of discrediting New Athiesm, while allowing reasonable, rational, logical athiesm to stand in a nonviolent manner. When religion becomes violent or New Athiest becomes violent, both should be squashed. Let peaceful religion and peaceful athiesm co-exist together.
Disclaimer: I received this book free of charge from the publisher but I am giving my honest review
BUY IT: Rumors of God by Whitehead & Tyson
I loved this book and couldnt put it down from the start to the finish! There are so many good parts and points that I found myself pulling out the highlighter and marking up the whole book! The book really grabs you and it makes you realize many things you should have already known but probably never really put together. I highly recommend this book! Like me, you will probably find yourself buying extra copies for friends and family!
This book makes you want to shape up your life and encourages you to live a life worth the Christian name. It shows you there is more to this life than just going to church, work, then vegging on the tv. Pick up this book and change your life for the better! It is time to get inspired!
Disclaimer: I received this book free of charge from the publisher but I am giving my honest review.
This book makes you want to shape up your life and encourages you to live a life worth the Christian name. It shows you there is more to this life than just going to church, work, then vegging on the tv. Pick up this book and change your life for the better! It is time to get inspired!
Disclaimer: I received this book free of charge from the publisher but I am giving my honest review.
BUY IT: The Quotable Rogue by Sarah Palin
Not being very politically involved, I was not expecting much from this book. But I was very surprised to find a book full of well thoughtout, intelligent quotes from Sarah Palin. Many people may pick on her and dislike her, but this book shows her very best side. Smark, quick, right-on responses. This book may change the way you think of Sarah Palin and allow you to see her as a strong woman, mother, country girl, girl of faith, and girl with morals. Now, of course, I'm sure another book could be written about the "bad" things Sarah Palin has said, but based on just this book - she comes out smelling like roses! I would recommend this book to others - it is a quick and easy read. You find yourself wanting to know her opinion about the many topics that she discusses: abortion, war in iraq, obama, etc. They truly picked the best of her quotes because some of these you and I would probably like to use on our own! One of the things I liked the most about her quotes is that her strong values and morals come through. She really comes across as a girl who loves her country and isn't afraid to be bumped and pushed a bit to get where she's going.
I am going to be buying an extra copy for my politically minded brother. Let's see what he thinks of Sarah after this!
Disclaimer: I received this book free of charge from the publisher but I am giving my honest review.
I am going to be buying an extra copy for my politically minded brother. Let's see what he thinks of Sarah after this!
Disclaimer: I received this book free of charge from the publisher but I am giving my honest review.
PASS: The Seraph Seal
Beginning was catchy and a fun quick read, but the story became silly, then downright illogical in the middle, and the end killed it. It's like a movie that builds up and then... suddenly a dud ending that answers none of the build up.
Beginning was very intriguing, fun and exciting. You want to know how things are going to play out. The book has some great ideas and it builds up a lot of expectations. The story moves along quickly, so you don't lose interest.
But the middle falls flat and feels like the author had to rush the story because the writing in the middle is not good at all. The time lines are lost. The good-guy main characters' story developes over 2 weeks. The rest of the world experiences months: the loss of ocean life, all water dries up, loss of food, loss of civilized controlled economy, civil war... all in the same time the good main characters only live about 2 weeks. Clearly, the author lost track of his own story!
The other part of the middle that killed was the author created a unique adult genius character, then forgot the character was supposed to be a super genius and ended up making the character behave like a scared, weak, child. I can't believe a real author lost such track of his own character development! How can you be a super genious nuclear physicist with an insane vocabulary one moment, then not know how to feed a bird and not know to avoid acid rain?
I can't even go into the ending. I expected Jesus to come back and destroy all the people and save everyone and Mount Zion come to earth or something even biblical related. But the author takes a very VERY un-end-times approach with the end. This was very disappointing. The ending was cut short so quickly, I was looking for at least another three chapters!
Disclaimer: I received this book free of charge from the publisher but I am giving my honest review.
Beginning was very intriguing, fun and exciting. You want to know how things are going to play out. The book has some great ideas and it builds up a lot of expectations. The story moves along quickly, so you don't lose interest.
But the middle falls flat and feels like the author had to rush the story because the writing in the middle is not good at all. The time lines are lost. The good-guy main characters' story developes over 2 weeks. The rest of the world experiences months: the loss of ocean life, all water dries up, loss of food, loss of civilized controlled economy, civil war... all in the same time the good main characters only live about 2 weeks. Clearly, the author lost track of his own story!
The other part of the middle that killed was the author created a unique adult genius character, then forgot the character was supposed to be a super genius and ended up making the character behave like a scared, weak, child. I can't believe a real author lost such track of his own character development! How can you be a super genious nuclear physicist with an insane vocabulary one moment, then not know how to feed a bird and not know to avoid acid rain?
I can't even go into the ending. I expected Jesus to come back and destroy all the people and save everyone and Mount Zion come to earth or something even biblical related. But the author takes a very VERY un-end-times approach with the end. This was very disappointing. The ending was cut short so quickly, I was looking for at least another three chapters!
Disclaimer: I received this book free of charge from the publisher but I am giving my honest review.
BUY IT: It's Not About Me by Max Lucado
Fantastic book! I definitely recommend it to everyone! This book is a great sermon and life refresher. It helps remind you and enlighten you and put your world in perspective. We are such selfish me-centered people. But Max Lucado reminds us in an easy to understand, easy to follow, interesting manner, that IT IS ALL ABOUT GOD, not us. This book is a great reflection on life and priorities. Take it and sit down in a private quite room and meditate on it or read and ponder the ideas. The author even repeats the key highlights for extra emphasis! So just in case you missed or didn't realize what was most important, the author repeats and ALL CAPS these key sentences. This book was fantastic from start to finish. I am going to buy a couple for friends and relatives.
My favorite parts:
- When we make life about us, we end up pushing happiness further away. So if we would just let go of our agendas and timetables and let God hold the reins, our lives would turn out fantastic!
- The moon generates no light, so she has a good reason to complain. But, instead, she reflects the light of the sun and look at her beauty when she does this! Just like the moon, we should reflect the glory and light and beauty of the Son, Jesus Christ.
- Our deepest desires should not be the things of God (what we can get from Him), but God himself (a relationship and understanding of who He is). When we look to God, we should see Him for HIS BEAUTY/GLORY, not for what we can get from Him or how He can make our lives easier.
- There is hope! For all us who are sufferring, God promises ETERNAL happiness and life. He doesn't take away our burdens and trials, He offsets them by giving us better treasures.
Disclaimer: I received this book free of charge from the publisher but I am giving my honest review.
My favorite parts:
- When we make life about us, we end up pushing happiness further away. So if we would just let go of our agendas and timetables and let God hold the reins, our lives would turn out fantastic!
- The moon generates no light, so she has a good reason to complain. But, instead, she reflects the light of the sun and look at her beauty when she does this! Just like the moon, we should reflect the glory and light and beauty of the Son, Jesus Christ.
- Our deepest desires should not be the things of God (what we can get from Him), but God himself (a relationship and understanding of who He is). When we look to God, we should see Him for HIS BEAUTY/GLORY, not for what we can get from Him or how He can make our lives easier.
- There is hope! For all us who are sufferring, God promises ETERNAL happiness and life. He doesn't take away our burdens and trials, He offsets them by giving us better treasures.
Disclaimer: I received this book free of charge from the publisher but I am giving my honest review.
PASS: The Fight of Our Lives By William Bennett with Seth Leibsohn
My recommendation is PASS on this book.
I thought a Christian author would show more grace, love, kindness and political correctness. I was very shocked to see and authors bias, anger and judgment right from the dust jacket cover! I thought this book was very unchristian. I didn't expect to see an author claiming to be christian to be encouraging and promoting anger and hate. I was taught that "anger" is NEVER justified. We may feel angry, but we are not to be proud of this anger. Anger is another form of hate and those feelings come from Satan. Jesus would never encourage or promote anger and hatred, even against terrorists. People may be afraid of terrorits and take measures to protect themselves, but we should never cross over to the dark side and ENJOY their sufferring, ENJOY torturing/waterboarding them. We should never take pleasure in the sufferring of others. I feel this book is very angry and political and the author was writing a very pro-war polticial view and a very un-christian book. I don't think this book should even be classified as Christian. I would not ever recommend this book to any of my Christian friends. I didn't find love, kindness, forgiveness, understanding and compassion in this book. I found angry Americans who love their troops and are happy to kill and promote killing. This is an "American needs to be tough on war and terrorists and we Americans need to give up all our civil liberties and freedoms just incase someone somewhere someday gets us". Sounds like fear - another emotion from Satan. What happened to our faith in God our Lord and Savior?
Disclaimer: I got this book free of charge from the publisher for this review.
I thought a Christian author would show more grace, love, kindness and political correctness. I was very shocked to see and authors bias, anger and judgment right from the dust jacket cover! I thought this book was very unchristian. I didn't expect to see an author claiming to be christian to be encouraging and promoting anger and hate. I was taught that "anger" is NEVER justified. We may feel angry, but we are not to be proud of this anger. Anger is another form of hate and those feelings come from Satan. Jesus would never encourage or promote anger and hatred, even against terrorists. People may be afraid of terrorits and take measures to protect themselves, but we should never cross over to the dark side and ENJOY their sufferring, ENJOY torturing/waterboarding them. We should never take pleasure in the sufferring of others. I feel this book is very angry and political and the author was writing a very pro-war polticial view and a very un-christian book. I don't think this book should even be classified as Christian. I would not ever recommend this book to any of my Christian friends. I didn't find love, kindness, forgiveness, understanding and compassion in this book. I found angry Americans who love their troops and are happy to kill and promote killing. This is an "American needs to be tough on war and terrorists and we Americans need to give up all our civil liberties and freedoms just incase someone somewhere someday gets us". Sounds like fear - another emotion from Satan. What happened to our faith in God our Lord and Savior?
Disclaimer: I got this book free of charge from the publisher for this review.
The God I Never Knew by Robert Morris
I am so glad to see a book on the Holy Spirit but I wish this book answered the tough questions - like how do you get the HS? Do you have to have hands laid on you? Whose hands? Why did Peter and John have to travel to Paul's city just to have their hands laid on the people to get the HS? In NT, HS came before and sometimes after baptism. What is the truth?
Disclaimer: Received from publisher for this review.
Disclaimer: Received from publisher for this review.
Be The People
A must read for anyone interested in a Christian view of politics! The author does a great job of going back in time and giving us an overview of how Christianity influenced the founding of America. She writes in an easy to understand manner and it does catch your interest. I was surprised to see the author was openminded and didn't buy into all the myths of our "Christian founding fathers". She is bright enough to know that many founders were not Christian and she is the first one to point this out. She also goes into how our nation is changing and has become a nation moving in the wrong direction according to 67% of Americans. And even though this book is new, she has a lot to say about Obama that you and I probably didn't know! She gives direct quotes from Obama that show his aim to destroy America's power, his outright lies, and also that he passed a law that now allows the CIA to assassinate American citizens WITHOUT trial. Every Christian interested in politics and history should read this book.
Disclaimer: I received this book free of charge from the publisher but am giving my honest review.
Disclaimer: I received this book free of charge from the publisher but am giving my honest review.
Money Secrets of the Amish by Lorilee Craker
I have never been good with money, so I hoped this book would help me turn things around. My brother lives right near Amish-town Landcaster, PA, so I've visited the place before and heard how many Amish are very wealthy. So figured I would learn a lot from living "the simple life". This book is NOT about the Amish living. It is like the author used the "Amish" name to sell a book. The book teaches you NOTHING new at all. It is all stuff you already know - like don't buy on impulse, pay your bills on time and don't get late fees and interest, don't borrow and pay interest, give your kids hand-me-down clothes instead of buying new, repair worn or torn clothes, don't buy all those kitchen gadgets and use your hands to mix instead, etc. There is nothing new at all in this book! What a waste! I would NOT recommend this book. You will be wanting your time back after reading this.
Disclaimer: Received this book free from publisher but giving honest review
Disclaimer: Received this book free from publisher but giving honest review
BUY IT: I Kissed Dating Goodbye by Joshua Harris
Every Single Christian Should Read This
As a young Christian woman, I lvoed this book! Christian parents will also love this book. It makes a perfect present for singles and your teens. This book is about waiting, of course. It is not offensive or too much for a teenager and shoulnd't turn them off. It doens't tell you like a bossy know-it-all adult, so it isn't offensive to the reader. In fact, it makes waiting for love beautiful. I recommend this book for all those singles out there. I am 17 and still waiting for my love. I am happy to wait and this book inspires me to continue waiting.
Disclaimer: I received this book free of charge from the publisher but am giving an honest review.
As a young Christian woman, I lvoed this book! Christian parents will also love this book. It makes a perfect present for singles and your teens. This book is about waiting, of course. It is not offensive or too much for a teenager and shoulnd't turn them off. It doens't tell you like a bossy know-it-all adult, so it isn't offensive to the reader. In fact, it makes waiting for love beautiful. I recommend this book for all those singles out there. I am 17 and still waiting for my love. I am happy to wait and this book inspires me to continue waiting.
Disclaimer: I received this book free of charge from the publisher but am giving an honest review.
The Final Summit
This book was really DUMB!!! The main character David is taken to a meeting with all these famous people to decide how to save humanity. The archangel Gabriel tells them to find the solution to this question: "What does humanity need to do, individually or collectively, to restore itself to the pathway towards a successful civilzation?" Gabriel tells them they have 5 guesses or God will destroy/end the world. Sounds kind of interesting, right? But their guesses are pretty silly (something you and I probably would never guess) and the solution is SOOO stupid, you will die! In fact, the solution is not even a solution - it is the REAL LIFE cause/problem with the world right now! How could the author get the answer SO BACKWARDS??? If you are a thinker, you will want to throw this book out after you are done!
Don't Read Further if you don't want to know the 5 guesss and the solution:
Guess 1: Courage (wrong answer)
Guess 2: Seek wisdom (wrong answer)
Guess 3: Be courageous (wrong answer)
Guess 4: Self-discipline (wrong answer)
Guess 5: Develop character (wrong answer)
So they used up all their 5 guesses. Then suddenly they come up with the REAL SOLUTION and tell Gabriel and he accepts their answer: DO SOMETHING. Do Something is the solution to all humanity's problems. Since I couldn't ever believe "Doing something" is the solution, I hated this book. What a let down. They didn't even try "faith" or "love" or something like that. "Do something"??? But all humans are already "doing something". It just isn't the right something.
Disclaimer: Got this book free of charge from Book Sneeze. But gave honest review.
Don't Read Further if you don't want to know the 5 guesss and the solution:
Guess 1: Courage (wrong answer)
Guess 2: Seek wisdom (wrong answer)
Guess 3: Be courageous (wrong answer)
Guess 4: Self-discipline (wrong answer)
Guess 5: Develop character (wrong answer)
So they used up all their 5 guesses. Then suddenly they come up with the REAL SOLUTION and tell Gabriel and he accepts their answer: DO SOMETHING. Do Something is the solution to all humanity's problems. Since I couldn't ever believe "Doing something" is the solution, I hated this book. What a let down. They didn't even try "faith" or "love" or something like that. "Do something"??? But all humans are already "doing something". It just isn't the right something.
Disclaimer: Got this book free of charge from Book Sneeze. But gave honest review.
The Book That Made Your World
I hated this book. I hated it so much! It was a complete let down and so so painful and boring to read! The Intro was so boring! Then the first chapter was death! It starts off talking about the importance of having a spiritual life. The idea is that if you don't have a spiritual life, your life will have no meaning. It uses Kurt Cobain lead singer of US grunge rock band as an example of what you may become if you have no spiritual life - a guy who blows his brains out with a shotgun. So you go, well, that's not me or anyone I know, but okay.... And you try to keep reading. But the book turns really stupid! It goes into music appreciation - how God created the world with music built into the creation mathematically. Okay. But all the paragraphs are disjointed. The author is clearly obsessed and in love with Kurt Cobain because he is brought up again and again and again to the point this is ridiculous! I thought this was supposed to be a REAL book. An intelligent book? This is not supposed to be a Kurt Cobain fan book! Oh... and for those who didn't know.... per Wikipedia, this guy was so "different" from others that he demanded/insisted on using a naked baby boy with a long penis as the cover of his CD. And the back? Wikipedia says he took pictures of DISEASED vaginas (from his private medical collection? WTF?) and put them on the back cover. SICK. Is it any surprise he blew his brains out? You have to have a pretty weird mind to get off on such images.
Disclaimer: Received book free from Book Sneeze. Gave honest review.
Disclaimer: Received book free from Book Sneeze. Gave honest review.
No He Can't: How Barak Obama Is Dismanteling Hope And Change
I was disappointed in this book. It does cover all the areas that Barak Obama failed America and most of the lies he told and broken promises he told, but the book was pretty slow and boring. It didn't flow smoothly and didn't grasp my attention. I thought the writing style was dry - there was no emotion. Even though I'm not happy with Obama's policies, I still couldn't even get an emotional reaction of disappointment, anger or anything after reading this book.
The book points out how Obama let America down in a very dry unemotional way, listing tons of facts among lots of words. If you want to know the anti-Obama truth, this may be a good book to read because it is filled with tons of facts and stories that you probably don't know. Unfortunately, I think the writing is a bit dry. If you are an Obama lover, you won't like this book either, because it portrays Obama as a real douche bag, who has sold his soul to make it, a baby-killer (who voted for disabled babies to be left on a table to starve to death) at a hospital owned by Obama's Christian denomination, a complete liar who will tell any lie to get his way, and a man who tells a thousand promises and breaks every one of them just as easily.
Disclaimer: I received this book from Book Sneeze free of charge. But this is my honest critical review.
The book points out how Obama let America down in a very dry unemotional way, listing tons of facts among lots of words. If you want to know the anti-Obama truth, this may be a good book to read because it is filled with tons of facts and stories that you probably don't know. Unfortunately, I think the writing is a bit dry. If you are an Obama lover, you won't like this book either, because it portrays Obama as a real douche bag, who has sold his soul to make it, a baby-killer (who voted for disabled babies to be left on a table to starve to death) at a hospital owned by Obama's Christian denomination, a complete liar who will tell any lie to get his way, and a man who tells a thousand promises and breaks every one of them just as easily.
Disclaimer: I received this book from Book Sneeze free of charge. But this is my honest critical review.
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My sister recommended me this great new site - book sneeze! so I'm joining and this is where I will post all my reviews of book sneeze books! Stay tuned because I should be able to complete at least 1 review a month! thanks
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